I can't believe I am 4 weeks postpartum now and my Zaylee girl is almost a month old. These past 4 weeks have been the most joyful yet most trying postpartum weeks. There have been so many moments of "look she is smiling" joys to moments of doubtful mommy tears. I've always heard that each child is different, but it isn't until Zaylee came that I am realizing how true this is. Zaylee and Sophia are so different from each other, from the foods I craved during my pregnancy, to their birth stories, to the poopy diapers they give me. But, I would have to say the hardest part this time around was breastfeeding my little Zaylee. I never had a problem nursing Sophia and I loved every moment of it until I weaned her at 18 months. With Zaylee, we started of with a bad latch, bleeding nipples, to getting mastitis twice within 3 weeks of postpartum. It has been such a painful experience and now, I'm finally on antibiotics 4 weeks later and things seem to be getting better. Wow, huh? But its all worth it. The other day, I had the house alone with just Zaylee and I held her close to my face and said, "Hi Zaylee" and she looked at me in the eyes and gave me the biggest smile. In her smile, I saw that she remembered my voice, that I was her mother, the one who nursed her when she is hungry, and the one who loves her very much. And then, I cried. It was such a beautiful moment.
I totally agree with the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child." These 4 weeks, we have had an outpouring of people bring us food, gifts, love and support. I am so amazed at everyone's generosity. My husband and mom have been my ultimate support. My husband has been my rock. He has done everything for me and is always still asking how he can do more to make my day easier. He is my superman. My mom has come over almost everyday, bringing food, groceries, cooking us meals, and cleaning, so that we don't have to. Aren't mom's the best? All this because a little beautiful life was born. I am so grateful in my heart.
Here is a picture of the sisters from the other day. If you have instagram, you can follow me at mrsdianafrank.