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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


My life lately has just been one big checklists. Everyday, i wake up and look at my list and hope to find it all crossed off soon. As many of you know, i have been crazy nesting this whole pregnancy (which means that every closet of this house has been re-organized)...and me cleaning out our garage again. But it feels good... but now i've very tired. I have two big container of baby clothes to wash this week... and its just been sitting there playing the starring contest with me.

My checklist is getting smaller each day.. and i am now hoping to find some energy to do some fun sewing projects and have a blank to-do list for a while.

Also, we've been bribing our little Sophia to sleep in her crib and not co-sleep with us lately. We're on day 3 today and I think so far so good. We made one big trip to the candy store today for her to pick out pink bubblegum for having a successful night (fingers cross this continues). I guess between waking up for bathroom trips at night and a toddler begging to crawl into bed with you, i'm getting some great practice for sleepless nights to come.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

more than just "love"

When I read this I thought of my husband, my Valentine. Six years ago when we met, we were just two souls in love with God and then through our love for God...we fell in love with each other. We made a eternal promise to God (through holy matrimony) and decided that we will be lovers forever. And this LOVE has impacted our every decision, thought, feeling and moment of our day, everyday.

Happy Valentines day to my sweet husband who is always so faithful and loving to me everyday. You do every act with great love and no complaints...even when I'm bossy (sometimes..ok, a lot). You know how to crack a smile in me and make me laugh so hard...but then again sometimes you take jokes a little too far (and i get offended). : ) You are the greatest father to our little girls and I love being your wife everyday. I love you!

Aaannnd a random story that was brought up during breakfast today.. my husband and i were reminiscing and laughing about how i told him on our 1st Valentine's day together (6 years ago) "this is the worst Valentine's day ever!" We got into some argument (i have no idea about what) and i told him to drop me off at home. lol... needless to say.. a few minutes later he came back, got on his knees to apologize. what a good man!

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Monday, February 13, 2012

purple heart

I have always been in love with Valentines Day...even in my single days. I love that its a day to celebrate love for everyone, not just for couples. Now that I am a mom, Valentines day seems even sweeter. My heart has grown larger than its ever have before and I have more love to give and receive.

I tell this little girl "i love you" several times a day, from the moment she opens her eyes in the morning to the moment I kiss them goodnight. Couple weeks ago, I said to her "i love you" randomly during the day and she said back to me, "i love you too, mama." It was the sweetest moment.

Sophia's outfit: purple heart shirt c/o Haddard Brands, Roxy jeans

Friday, February 10, 2012

happy post!

This has been a very happy week. On Monday we had a very positive doctors visit (which always calms my nerves, until the next visit). This week has been filled with unexpected surprises, phone calls, day trips and needless to say a lot of love.
31.5 weeks! This bowling bowl belly is getting quite heavy lately...but it is making me so happy. I can tell baby girl is getting more cramped in there due to her movements, but she sure loves to wiggle around a lot (which then gives me a ton of braxton hick contractions).
Meet Sophia, the serenader. Lately her favorite thing to do is to ask Mike and I to dance. She will grab her guitar (aka 'the hairbrush') and strum away singing some romantic (i mean toddler tune)song. She will then proceed to ask her dad to get on his knees for her mama. We'll dance together for a few minutes and for the finale...we ask her to join in with us (which she loves). Needless to say, this simple joyous moment have been making her father late to work due to having to dance with mom for one more song before he leaves.
Spending the day ignoring household chores to going shopping, eating frozen yogurt, riding trolleys and the carousel with my favorite 2 year old.

Of course...the best for last.. Sophia's ballet classes. Its become a weekly favorite around here. This was her 4th class and she is starting to get really good. I am such a proud mama! I mean is there anything more cuter than a bunch of 2 year old's prancing around in tutu's?

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 6, 2012

D.I.Y cloth napkins

I made cloth napkins for several family members for Christmas this past year. I know Christmas has been over for a while, but I wanted to share this simple and easy project with you. All you need is a yard of fabric to make 4 cloth napkins.

i used this tutorial to help do the edges on the back. Once you get the hang of it, it is quite easy and fun. I'm always so addicted to buying a yard of fabric when I see a cute print... so i'm planning on making many of these during my spare time for us around here. Once I have enough cloth napkins sewed around here... i'm planning on not buying paper napkins. Its a money saver and nice way to be green. Plus, I am such a big napkin user... i am one of those people that need at least 2 pieces of napkins during one mealtime.. so i figured usually one cloth napkin would be just as good as several paper ones (for the napkin obsessed like me).

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

update from MIA

i've been m.i.a lately... mostly because i've been tired and a little overwhelmed over here. But here's an instagram/iphone photo update of what i've been doing.
1. Sophia started ballet/tap classes. It has been pretty much the highlight of every week here for the past 3 weeks. It is simply adorable to see a bunch of 2 year old in tutus doing "plie." Andd.. here's a mini story for the books:
The ballet teacher is using imagination for stretching and asks each girl "where do you want to go?" One student says "China" and then the teacher says "Sophia, where do you want to go?" Sophia responds, "Home Depot." We almost peed our pants. I guess all these trips to the hardware store with dad to give mommy a few minutes to herself is really paying off. : )

2. lots of naps together.

3. Lunar New Year. We all got dressed up in our "hanbok" and did traditional bows to my parents... and of course ate dumpling soup!

4. Trying new lipstick out.

5. Sophia and Mike enjoying more Thai food that I keep craving.

6. Panda bear has been her bed buddy lately. I walked into the room during her nap last week to find this bear buddy on her back and her passed out like this.